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Schneider Weisse
Founded By:
Georg Schneider I
Curated By:
James Clay
Munich, Germany Schneider weisse origin map
Schneider weisse main
Schneider weisse secondary

When it comes to wheat beer, there is no brewery more significant than Schneider Weisse. Still owned and managed by the Schneider family, they enjoy a rare combination of historical importance and progressive ‘craft’ credentials considered practically heretical by Bavarian traditionalists.

After Georg Schneider saved the style from extinction in 1872, the brewery has established itself through not one, but two world classics, both brewed for over a century. Still made to their original recipes, and using costly open vessel fermentation, Schneider Original - the mother of all wheat beers - and Unser Aventinus - the world’s first wheat doppelbock - are true benchmarks.

The current Brewmaster, Hans-Peter Drexler, has expanded the range whilst retaining the focus on quality and tradition. Without deviating from wheat beers, Schneider Weisse have embraced the innovation and experimentation that has come to define modern craft beer movements around the world. Old and new in one pint glass.

Schneider Weisse Beer - Available Now

AlkoholfreiLow Alcohol Hefeweizen20x50cl Btls NRBListed0.5%
AventinusWeizenbock20x50cl Btls NRBListed8.2%
Aventinus EisbockFreeze Distilled Weizen Bock24x33cl Btls NRBLimited Release12.0%
FestweisseHefeweizen20x50cl Btls NRBListed6.0%
Helle WeisseHefeweizen20x50cl Btls NRBListed4.9%
HopfenweisseWeizenbock20x50cl Btls NRBListed8.2%
KristallKristallweizen20x50cl Btls NRBLimited Release4.9%
OriginalHefeweizen20x50cl Btls NRBListed5.4%
Schneider Weisse Original Gift PackSchneider Weisse Gift Pack3x50cl + GlassGift Pack5.4%
Schneiders HellesHelles Lager20x50cl Btls NRBListed4.9%

Our Schneider Weisse Range



Style: Low Alcohol Hefeweizen
ABV: 0.5%
Schneider Alkoholfrei is a reddish-amber colour, brewed with top-fermenting yeast and has a fine white, persistent head. It has the known top-fermented character with a malty taste, reminding a bit of caramel.
Size:20x50cl Btls NRB


Style: Weizenbock
ABV: 8.2%
Dark-ruby, almost black-colored, Aventinus has a compact and persistent head. Very intense with a complex spicy chocolate-like aroma, on the palate you experience a complex soft touch, fresh with a hint of caramel. It finishes in a rich soft and lightly bitter impression.
Size:20x50cl Btls NRB


Style: Hefeweizen
ABV: 6.0%
Schneider Festweisse (renamed from Grunes) is a shiny-brass coloured wheat beer. It has an aroma of hops and citrus with a spicy note that perfectly balances the malty character with the easiness of the hops. Refreshing and full-bodied it's a favorite at James Clay and Sons
Size:20x50cl Btls NRB

Helle Weisse

Style: Hefeweizen
ABV: 4.9%
TAP1 Helle Weisse is a sparkling treat for those who love blonde wheat beers. This beer's full aroma displays the power of sun ripened wheat. The artisanal brewing method together with the open fermentation give this wheat beer specialty its unique flavor.
Size:20x50cl Btls NRB
Size:20Ltr Keg m
Helle Weisse


Style: Weizenbock
ABV: 8.2%
A new wheat beer stlye described by the brewery as 'hoppy firewords'. Golden but slightly reddish in colour it's a strong wheat doppelbock. The intense floral aroma reminds you of tropical fruits and relieves the powerful bitterness. An extreme wheat beer that shows how far wheat beer taste can go.
Size:20x50cl Btls NRB
Size:20Ltr Keg m


Style: Hefeweizen
ABV: 5.4%
A rich and full bodied wheat beer, with an amber-mahogany coloring and streaked with fine top-fermenting yeast, this beer has a fine, persistent head that adheres well to the glass. A uniquely satisfying experience, very full flavoured and spicy.
Size:20x50cl Btls NRB
Size:20Ltr Keg m
Schneiders Helles

Schneiders Helles

Style: Helles Lager
ABV: 4.9%
Schneider's Helles: as pristine, characteristic and pure as its homeland, Southern Bavaria. Brewed with 100% Bavarian ingredients and handcrafted in the traditional method - by the sixth generation of the Schneider brewers family. Its straw-yellow colour is as impressive as its balanced, refreshing and highly drinkable aroma with a subtle malty body and flowery hop aromas. A Helles as it should be - or: a real Schneider's. Cheers!
Size:20x50cl Btls NRB
Size:50Ltr Keg s